Saturday, April 10, 2010

Catch Me If You Can!

WOW! There is no way I could write and tell you all the things our little guy is doing. He is constantly doing something new and growing more and more each day. We have had lots of first this month starting with croup. This was a first for me and Curt. I had heard of croup, but didn't really know anyone who has had it. Bless his heart, he was coughing so bad that it would take his breath. We went to the Dr. and found out he had an ear infection to go along with it. So that makes 2 in 7 months. Well........... the only good thing about Curt having croup is that it made his hands and knees start moving in sync. YES, HE IS CRAWLING!!!! I can't believe my baby is mobile. I never expected him to do this so soon. After crawling, we discovered that his ear infection was not improving. We had to go back to the Dr. and get a shot and a new antibiotic. Hopefully we will get this cleared up and get well soon. We also have our second tooth. Thank the Lord!! I thought it would never break through. Life has been busy since Lee left. We had Marisa's baby shower for Anniston and several other trips home. Here are some WHAT NOT pictures from this month and our little crawling monkey.

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